On January 15th Stone sponsored the Community Dinner organized by Serve the City org. and volunteered in serving the meal.

Every 15 days, a dinner is served where everyone is welcome. Served as one would at a Restaurant, about 130 volunteers and 170 people in a situation of social fragility sit at the same table sharing a meal and a life. The Community Dinners were launched 5 years ago with the endorsement of the Lisbon City Hall, the Life and Peace Community (Comunidade Vida & Paz), the Peace Corps, The Friendly Conversation Association (Associação Conversa Amiga) and CASA – Homeless Support Center (Centro de Apoio ao Sem Abrigo.)
Reflection, awareness and participation of the social, cultural and environmental needs are actions that Stone seeks to put in practice in their day to day.
We believe that time is our most precious gift.
We believe that inclusion is to learn, and that sharing is the best companionship.
With this in mind we aimed to contribute with our presence and have challenged our partners, friends, suppliers and clients to share this intention with us and the guests that sat at the table.